combos/(p) (ws musket) H (hd) H (hd) H (ws) V (cc) V c.V V H f.V

weaponslongsword musket
damage1520 | 1824 | 2128 | 2432

choosing a normal combo over a counterstrike combo can be a good trade with high damaging combos. using ranged before starting the combo can pad the damage to make the trade off more rewarding.

not sure the best way to notate or document these combos; so this is a bit of a test.

using non-headshot ranged damage.

any ranged weapon can be used. have until parried opponent stands up to start combo. can dodge, jump or crouch to weapon swap. keep track of stamina.

originally shared by alanalan on bilibili & 永劫无间NARAKA on youtube.

damage calculator
166 [beta]
independently run by 0b0100 and unaffiliated with 24 entertainment or netease.