

During his travels throughout the lands, he finally found his calling: to save this world, even if it meant his own sacrifice. With the might of a raging thunder he transforms into a titanic Vajra warrior that smites all before it. All those who dare stand in its path shall feel the fire of its unbridled fury.


The Divine Bell
cooldown: 25s
usable (attacked)

Tianhai protects himself with Qi to resist all hit damage and debuffs, reflecting ranged projectiles back.

The Divine Bell can attach Ultimate Focus to Tianhai.

Can be used while under attack.

The Divine Bell: Counter
cooldown: 25s

Tianhai protects himself with Qi to resist all hit damage and debuffs, reflecting ranged projectiles back.

The Divine Bell can attach Ultimate Focus to Tianhai and counter enemies who are using Blue Focus strikes.

After a successful counter, you can launch a Counterstrike Combo.

After 0.4 sec, Tianhai can cancel the Divine Bell by Shift dodging, Space jumping or C crouching

The Divine Bell: Blast
cooldown: 25s

Tianhai protects himself with Qi to resist all hit damage and debuffs, reflecting ranged projectiles back.

The Divine Bell can attach Ultimate Focus to Tianhai and knock nearby enemies airborne.

After 0.4 sec, Tianhai can cancel the Divine Bell by Shift dodging, Space jumping, or C crouching.


Titan's Call
rage: 100%

Tianhai transforms into a Vajra and fully recovers Health.

tap H to grab distant enemies, or tap V to grab those nearby.

Tap F to smash grabbed enemies into the ground and deal damage. Without an enemy in hand, tap F to make the Vajra stomp on the ground to issue a shock wave.

The Vajra's max Health increases with the total player number and his armor rarity.

Vajra's Attack increases with his weapon rarity.

Tianhai can stay in Vajra form for 30 sec or hold V to cancel it early. When the transformation ends, Vajra's remaining Health will be transferred to Tianhai by percentage.

Titan's Call: Guard

Tianhai transforms into a Vajra and fully recovers Health.

The Vajra's body parts that shine are its weak points.

Tap and can grab allies, gradually recovering their Health and Armor.

tap H to grab distant enemies, or tap V to grab those nearby.

Tap F to smash grabbed enemies into the ground and deal damage. Without an enemy in hand, tap F to make the Vajra stomp on the ground to issue a shock wave.

The Vajra's max Health increases with the total player number and his armor rarity.

Vajra's Attack increases with his weapon rarity.

Tianhai can stay in Vajra form for 30 sec or hold V to cancel it early. When the transformation ends, Vajra's remaining Health will be transferred to Tianhai by percentage.

Titan's Call: Heal

Tianhai transforms into a Vajra and fully recovers Health.

The Vajra's body parts that shine are its weak points.

tap H to grab distant enemies, or tap V to grab those nearby.

Tap F to smash grabbed enemies into the ground, the Vajra will recover a certain amount of Health by percentage

Without an enemy in hand, tap F to make the Vajra stomp on the ground to issue a shock wave.

The Vajra's max Health increases with the total player number and his armor rarity.

Vajra's Attack increases with his weapon rarity.

Tianhai can stay in Vajra form for 30 sec or hold V to cancel it early. When the transformation ends, Vajra's remaining Health will be transferred to Tianhai by percentage. [beta]
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