
Brand-new content!

I. Map Updates

Added the new area, 'Barren Pit', along with several other new structures and natural features to the game.

II. In-game Features

1. Bells found around the map will now show on the map when interacted with. If rung, they'll appear as a bell icon upon the mini-map to mark all surviving enemies within an 80m radius (each bell can only be rung 3 times, with 180 sec cooldown between each ring).

2. Added Wishing Well mechanism. Cast an item into one, and you'll receive another item in its place (each Wishing Well can only be used 3 times).

III. Preparation Stage

Event Time: 12/23/2021 Update to 01/05/2022 20:00 (UTC)

During the Christmas, we have prepared a big Christmas tree and a large number of gift boxes for players in the preparation phase of the match. Shake it and there will be a surprise awaiting you!

IV. Limited-time Mode [Eternal Blazes]

Available from 12/23/2021 Update to 12/29/2021 20:00 (UTC).

Gameplay Info:

As another new year arrives, the Nian beast appears within our world. Those hunting for fortune shall ready their ranged weapons, and strive to become the Warrior of Fortune.

lOnly ranged weapons can be used in this gameplay.

lDefeat as many enemies as possible within the time limit to rack up points.

lAt set intervals, the top two players will become the bounty targets: kill them to gain more points.

lYou're given three random ranged weapons each time you spawn.

lAdded new snowy Souljades for Cannon and Flamebringer.

lUpon defeating an enemy you'll gain Dark Tide Coins. Spend these on Souljades, weapons and supplies from Rift Dealers.

lGold Eggs can be found across the map, a free source of advanced Souljades and weapons. You retain any Souljades and Dark Tide Coins gained.

lHero adjustments: In this gameplay, the health of Yueshan and Tianhai in the Ultimate status has been appropriately reduced. The skill [Zephyr Wisps] of Temulch will not be able to control the targets attacking with ranged weapons. And the rage recovery speed of Tarka Ji's skill [Blackout: Frenzy] has been properly reduced as well.

V. Limited-time Mode [Shadow Surge]

Available from 12/29/2021 20:00 (UTC) to 01/04/2022 20:00 (UTC).

Gameplay Info:

lThe Shadow Corruption spreads and blots out the sky, yet the power of Rebirth grows stronger still!

lShadow Surge's rules are essentially the same as The Herald's Trial.

lThe starting safe zone is smaller.

lShadow Corruption deals high damage, and once it starts spreading, it doesn't stop.

lEach player may resurrect up to 2 times.

lIt's easier to find high-grade equipment and items.

lBonus Silver Eggs can be found around the map, with a high chance to grant special, Snowy Souljades.

VI. Limited-time Event [Path of Snow]

1. Limited-time Daily Check Event

Available from 12/23/2021 Update to 01/05/2022 20:00 (UTC).

Event Info: Players who complete Daily Check for 7 times or more will receive event avatars, the Katana skin [Ryuzan·Frost Reflection] and Cavalry Treasure and other event rewards.

1st Daily Check: Accessory [Endless knot]

2nd Daily Check: Katana skin [Ryuzan·Frost Reflection]

3rd Daily Check: 800 Tae

4th Daily Check: Avatar [Holly]

5th Daily Check: Cavalry Coins x4

6th Daily Check: Emote [Send Gift]

7th Daily Check: Cavalry Treasure x1

2. Limited-time Event [Path of Snow]

Available from 12/23/2021 Update to 01/05/2022 20:00 (UTC).

Event Info: The event is comprised of two rounds. At the start of each, players may choose which final reward they wish for that round, and redeem [Lucky Bells] for it once it finishes.

Round time:

Round 1: 12/23/2021 Update to 12/29/2021 19:59:59 (UTC)

Round 2: 12/29/2021 20:00 (UTC) to 01/05/2022 19:59:59 (UTC)

VII. Limited-time Event [Festive Fellow]

Event time: 12/23/2021 Update to 01/12/2021 20:00 (UTC)

Event rules:

lPlayers will get [Christmas Stockings] by completing weekly quests during the event. The [Christmas Stockings] can be used to redeem great event rewards. The event quests will be reset at 4 p.m. every Thursday.

lSome players will have the identity of [Festive Fellow] during the event. Players with this identity can get one [Merry Card] everyday they log in the game. And the [Festive Fellow] will be reset at 4 p.m. every Thursday.

lPlayers may use the [Merry Card] to send Season's Greetings to other players, who will receive 1 [Peace Apple] by system email. [Peace Apple] can be used to redeem exclusive event rewards.

Redeem deadline: 01/13/2021 20:00 (UTC)

VIII. Limited-time [Torchbearer Gift]

Available from 12/23/2021 Update to 01/05/2021 18:05 (UTC).

Rewards claimable from 01/05/2021 18:05 (UTC) to 01/06/2021 18:05 (UTC).

Pass the torch during the event to receive a limited-time Torchbearer Gift! This reward may be claimed only once and by the Torchbearer during the event.

To successfully pass the torch, the player receiving it must log in and reach Lv. 9.

Hero Adjustments

I. Transform Mechanism Adjustments

Adjusted the basic health and attack of Vajra (when using Tianhai’s ultimate [Titan's Call] and other talents) and Almighty General when using (Yueshan’s ultimate [Troop Decimation] and other talents). The basic health increases as the armor grade upgrades; the basic attack increases as the weapon grade upgrades. The buff effects of souljades remain unchanged.

When not being equipped with armor, the basic health will be about 75% of that before update.

When being equipped with common armor, the basic health will be about 85% of that before update.

When being equipped with rare armor, the basic health will be about 94% of that before update.

When being equipped with epic armor, the basic health will be equal to that before update.

When being equipped with legendary armor, the basic health will be about 106% of that before update.

When not being equipped with weapon, the basic attack will be about 46% of that before update.

When being equipped with common weapon, the basic attack will be about 71% of that before update.

When being equipped with rare weapon, the basic attack will be about 85% of that before update.

When being equipped with epic weapon, the basic attack will be equal to that before update.

When being equipped with legendary weapon, the basic attack will be about 114% of that before update.


1. Adjusted the amount of health regenerated by his ultimate, [Titan's Call: Heal]. Using it and grabbing 1 enemy used to recover a fixed amount of 1,000 health, which is now adjusted to 25% of his max health. Using it and grabbing 2 enemies used to recover a fixed amount of 2,500 health, which is now adjusted to 62.5% of his max health.

2. Adjusted the display of Vajra's health and weapon bag, so as to better match the rest of the interface.

III. Yueshan

1. Adjusted the display of Almighty General's health and weapon bag, so as to better match the rest of the interface.

2. Yueshan will be [Stunned] while in his ultimate form.

3. Adjusted the duration of Yueshan's ultimate from 30 sec to 25 sec.

4. Adjusted the hit times of [Leaping Slash] from 2 to 3, and adjusted its damage from 209%*2 to 38% + 190%*2.

5. Reduced the cooldown of [Rampage: Formation] to 20 sec.

//Dev Note: The heroeswhoareable totransformused to enjoy stable benefits through using ultimate.By making these changes, we hope the strength of their ultimatecan be affected byheroes’ in-game growth and performance.

IV. Kurumi

We've reduced the rescue speed of [Binding Prayer] and all talent skills that link to allies' Cairns by 20%.

V. Matari

Matari's [Unseen Wings: Group Stealth] ultimate now can also reset allies' talent skill cooldowns when cast.

//Dev Note: We're implementing these changes in the hope thatMatari'sultimate and her allies' skills can be better used in tandem with each other.

VI. Temulch

Increased the control duration and effects of Temulch's [Zephyr Prison] ultimate from 4 to 8 seconds, along with those of [Buffeted] for all his skills. However, his energy regeneration has also been slowed.

VI. Tarka Ji

Adjusted [Blackout: Vulcan] to be usable while under attack.

Weapon Adjustments

I. Spears

1.Slightly shortened thestartup framesof charged vertical strikes.

2. Optimized the hit determination for airborne vertical strikes.

II. Nunchucks

1.[Biding Fury] is no longer lost followingYueshan's[Troop Decimation] orTianhai's[Titan's Call].

2.Optimized the feel of first, second and third stages of Horizontal Strike following a dodge.

3.Using[Horizontal Block]tocounterattackcan be interrupted by dodge.

4. The increasing ratio of damagetaken byNunchucks[Biding Fury]has increased from 60% to 80%.

5. Thegrowthof [Biding Fury] while clashing has adjusted from 50 to 100.

6. [Dragon Flurry]Adjustedthe damage distribution with the total damage unchanged.

First stage: adjusted from50%*7to64%*7

Second stage:adjusted from 50%*4to 63%*4

Third stage:adjusted from 70%*5 to 40%*5

III. Unarmed

Shortened the stagger duration caused by some moves.

Souljade Adjustments

I. Longswords

[Longsword Sap]: Optimized the Counterstrike Combo animation, adjusted the number of strikes to just 1, and the damage dealt from 306%*2 to 646%.

Match Adjustments

I. Cairn adjustments

1. Removed the 5-second wait before entering soul form. This is now achieved by holding related buttons instead.

2. If you have any resurrections left upon dying and becoming a Cairn, you now retain 33% of your Dark Tide Coins. Dying with 0 resurrections left has you drop all of them as before.

II. Stashes

Added a match alert sent out when a player gains a Stash key.

III. Optimized spawn point choices

1. To keep you on top of where your teammates will spawn, an alert "XXX (player name) has selected a spawn point" will be shown in the party chat when they choose a spawn location.

IV. Optimized Moonbane Charms

1. Optimized Moonbane Charm UI prompts:

(1) Added an icon indicating teammates have a Moonbane Charm to Team Info. A countdown will also be shown to teammates when there's under 60 seconds left.

(2) You're now directly prevented from using Moonbane Charms when Banebreath is already striking. You no longer need to open the map, tap to use it and then receive an alert stating you can't.

2. Adjusted certain Moonbane Charm values: reduced its warning duration from 15 sec to 8 sec, and the damage inflicted when hit by a basic Moonbane Charm strike from 1,250 to 700. A single hit damage from Moonbane Charm II has been adjusted form 1,500 to 825. A single hit damage from Moonbane Charm III has been adjusted form 1,750 to 950; and we've lowered their Rift Dealer prices accordingly.

//Dev Note: We'd like to see heroes puttingMoonbaneCharms to more varied use.

V. Trove drop of wild area surrounding Eventide Temple

Slightly adjusted the drop of Troves found around wild areas surrounding Eventide Temple.

VI. Added interactive hero voice lines

1. Valda Cui and Tarka Ji voice lines heard in loading pages.

2. Special voice for certain killing.

VII. BOT Mode adjustments

We've raised the difficulty of BOT Mode to make it more challenging.

VIII. Bloodsport adjustments

1. Added an arena to Gamma Mine, replacing the former plat in the Shadowjade Mine.

IX. Custom Lobby adjustments

1. Added The Bloodbath Duo and Trios to Custom Lobbies.

2. Added the option to hide health bars based on distance to Ref Spectate. This function can be toggled, and its range adjusted, in Settings - Ref Spectate. It can also be turned on/off with the hotkey (B) while in-game.

X. Controller adjustments

1. Added a weapon quick-switch radial menu, accessed by holding down on the D-pad. Once it appears, you can select a weapon to switch to from this wheel using the right joystick.

2. Changed the controls for switching the unarmed status, which can now be done by double-tapping down on the D-pad.

3. Changed the controls for using Weaponry Chests. Under the first default control scheme, this is L1 + down on the D-pad (PlayStation) / LB + down on the D-pad (Xbox). Under the second default control scheme, it's R1 + down on the D-pad (PlayStation) / RB + down on the D-pad (Xbox).

4. Added a way to quickly swap your weapon with those found upon the battlefield. You can now face the desired weapon and press L1 + □ (PlayStation) / LB + X (Xbox) under the first control scheme, or R1 + □ (PlayStation) / RB + X (Xbox) under the second.

5. Added a quick-use item wheel accessed by holding left or right on the D-pad. Once it appears, you can select an item and use it from this wheel using the right joystick.

6. Moonbane Charms have also been added to the item wheel. Open the item wheel and select a Moonbane Charm to use it.

XI. Performance optimization

1. Optimized the performance of shadow rendering in the game.

2.Added a toggle for NVIDIA Graphics Enhancement. When the rendering ratio is less than 100%,players can turn off the NIS to get better performance, with lower graphics quality.

Out-Game Adjustments

I. Hero Cultivation adjustments

1. Adjusted the difficulty of most heroes' Cultivation Quests, making them more in line with our expectations.

2. Some heroes' Cultivation Quests can now be completed in BOT Mode.

II. Added Team Reward Bonuses

Playing together in parties now grants bonus XP.

III. Added Friends Greetings

Send friends greetings to raise your Intimacy. Upon receiving greetings from friends, you'll also gain a certain amount of Tae.

IV. Added Friend Status Notifications

When friends recruit party members, log in or get certain ranks, players will receive real-time notifications in the lobby (you can turn off such notifications in the privacy settings).


I. Friend Status Notifications Toggle

1. By navigating to Settings - Game - Privacy Settings, you can toggle whether or not you send and receive friends' status notifications.

II. Added Controller vibration feature

1. Controller vibration will be triggered when some heroes hit enemies with ultimates, counter successfully, complete second-stage charge of bow, hit by the Banebreath, or the health bar turns into red.

2. Controller vibration is turned on by default. Players can turn it off in Settings – Controls – Controller - Toggles controller vibration.

Store Updates

I. Added a New Pack

1. Added the new Yoto Hime [Sakura Dance Pack]. This contains the legendary Yoto Hime outfit [Sakura Dance] and legendary Greatsword skin [Onmyoji·Floating Petals]. The Pack costs 4,200 Gold but is now available for 2,880 Gold.

II. Discount Info

1. Legendary party gesture [The Dragon·Formless]. Original price: 900 Gold. Current price: 750 Gold.

2. Katana skin [Muramasa] is now back to its original price of 500 Gold.

III. Added New Outfit + Skin

1. Added the new legendary Temulch outfit [Dragon Shadow·Tiger's Fury]. Original price: 2,400. Current price: 1,700 Gold.

2. Added the new epic Matari outfit [Golden Bell], obtained from the Path of Snow event.

3. Added the new epic Greatsword skin [Slicing Banner·Windrazor], obtained from the Path of Snow event.

4. Added the new epic Katana skin [Ryuzan·Frost Reflection]

Bug Fixes

I. Weapon Bugs

1. Fixed the bug that allowed [Abyssal Aura] charged vertical strikes to lead into a Counter.

II. Other Bugs

1. Fixed the bug with BOT Mode where failing to select Quick Party could result in you matching with other players.

2. Optimized Temulch's 'Sneer' gesture to avoid clipping issues that could occur in certain situations.

3. Fixed the issue that in some obstructed places, players can pass through the wall by pressing crouch to enter the eave.

4. Fixed the bug that weapons can be countered down when the Grappling Hook hit The Divine Bell.

5. Fixed the bug that frames may influence the climbing speed of Upward Strike. [beta]
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